I cant help but wander if those words are true. Do they represent me, my faith, my heart? Do I trust my God that much? Does my love for Him go so deep w/in my soul that no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) in my life it will still be solid and growing? How about you? Is your faith that solid?
I find myself thinking about a verse in Hebrews (12:28-29- 28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29for our "God is a consuming fire.")
Our GOd has given us His unconditional love and a kingdom that can never be defeated, can never be destroyed. He is indestructable!! I can't help but wonder though, is my love for Him that strong. Do I, on a daily basis, give Him the control necessary to forge that bond within my own heart. If we understand the verse and apply it to our lives we can see that God in us is unchanging. He is always there walking with us. I want to get to that point- where my faith is like His kingdom- "unshakable".
In the song there are struggles; pleas for rain, for food, and for peace. God's power to grant those prayers is in the forefront of the song, but also there- just as plain and spelled out, is His power not to answer those pleas for help. As a Christian I often forget that God is not required to keep me happy and healthy. His goodness is not based on His speedy answering all of my prayers, no matter how heart felt they are. Sometimes I forget that I am full of sin and there are consequences for my actions and my choices- even the small, seemingly insignificant ones. Often it seems, I want God right in the middle of all the "Stuff" in my life, but at the time I was making the decisions that caused the "STUFF" I had pushed Him to a small corner of my heart and turned the light off!
What about you? Do you make the choices, the decisions, and then get frustrated when God is not right there to fix your mess for you? Do you push Him away and then expect Him to simply "know" when you might want Him to get involved? What about the tough stuff? Do you struggle with the "or maybe not" moments? The moments when God doesn't answer a particular prayer? Is He still your rock in those times? Let me encourage you to let Him be your rock always! When life is perfect praise Him for it, enjoy it with Him, but when life throws you curve balls and you can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel let Him be your God and your source then too. Just trust. Open your whole heart to Him and He will do the rest.
One more thing before i go, if your mad- tell Him, if your sad- tell Him, if you don't understand why- ask Him- and then remember this- "but maybe not, not today- maybe He'llprovide in other ways"!
He is always there- you just have to let Him be.
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