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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Scripture Memory

So, for awhile now we have been helping Noah learn scripture. I have very fond memories of learning the books of the Bible & verses when I was a little girl. I was such a sweet little nerd but I really did love Bible Drill. Darrin & I are hoping to instill that same kind of passion in our kids and to be honest teaching Noah (and the others at times) has definitely helped to spark that passion once again w/in me! One of my fondest memories as a teen-ager were early morning (before school) meetings at McDonald's learning scripture with Nicole and Amy (youth minister's wife & close friend). Those verses we learned I can still remember and they have, on more than one occasion helped me through difficult situations and heart break. I pray that our kids will have that same kind of love and passion for God's word, and also that in teaching them His word, Darrin and I learn to better apply what we know and continue to learn on a daily basis to parenting and to deepen our walks and relationships with our Heavenly Father.

If you have ever wondered if studying and learning Scripture can make a difference in your life I dare you to try it. Start with something simple and go from there. Believe me once you allow God's word to permeate your heart you will never doubt the power of His words again. Sure there will be times when you momentarily forget how powerful and important the Bible is to your faith, but God will quickly remind you and draw you back. All you have to do is trust Him and remember to "hide His words in your heart".

 (I am not promising that life will always be easy or that you won't go through rough times in your relationship, but I am promising that when you hide God's word in your heart you will never be alone or hopeless! His word offers companionship when you're lonely and hope for those times that you feel life simply can't go on)

Here is Noah's list......   (this is purely for my benefit so that i can have a record of where we started...)

Daniel 2:28
Psalm 40:17
Psalm 63:8
Eph. 2:25

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

pics from christmas, here there and everywhere!

december started with noah's bday! our elf "charlie left him a sweet surprise!

charlie resting after a long nite swinging on the ceiling fan!

charlie visited butter on his bday too!

the princess wanted a "nadaid"! this is what she did w/it!

my fav place in the world! pruetts

helping meme cook!

our 1st christmas in florence

my sweet dino lover!

the queen

cmas in nashville

aunt heather reading to the sweet girls

the crew

me & my princess

noah and caleb riding with pops!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Ok! So, I am a nerd! I guess you all need to know that about me! I love reading and researching, especially the Bible. While participating in Beth Moore's Bible Study "The Patriarchs" we looked deeply into Genesis 13 and God's promises to Abram. She pointed out something that has just blown my mind. In Genesis 13 Abram and Lot (and their respective camps) had started to disagree with one another, basically they were overcrowded. Instead of allowing the arguing to continue Abram acted quickly and wisely and suggested they separate. 

After they separated God spoke to Abram and in verse 14 God told him 'Lift your eyes NOW (emphasis mine) and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward, and westward; 15. for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered."

It floors me that God chose and continues to choose everyday people to do amazing feats and miracles. Abram's family were not (at that time) God followers. Abram was just another man; seems a pretty awesome promise for God to make with an ordinary man. We all know the story though, it's not news to any of us that God made a life-changing covenant with Abram. It's the wording of verse 14 that has shed new light on God and Abram's relationship.

 The New King James Version (along with the King James and others I'm sure) uses the word "now". Many other translations do not have the word "now" in the text. In Hebrew the word now is a small particle, not a big deal- but it's English translation or equivalent is "please". It means "I pray you! Now! According to Beth Moore it was used as a urgent and strong affirmation, not a plea. 

So, read Genesis 13:14 again and put the meaning of "now" in the text. It would sound something like, "Abram, I pray you lift your eyes and look from the place where you are" or (from Beth Moore) "Abram, please believe Me when I tell you to lift up your eyes and look around you. I will give this land to you and your offspring forever."

God truly wanted Abram to believe Him. He urged Abram to see the truth. God wanted Abram to understand just how deep His love was for him. He (God) did care! It still blows my mind to think that God was invested in Abram. He is invested in us. He could've done it all on His own. God could've saved Lot, He could've done everything He had Abram do- but He truly wanted Abram to do it. God wants to use us. 

God chose to create us. He chose to invest His heart, His Son, and His love in us. He wants to use us to show more people His love. God wants to fellowship with us. He wants us to believe in Him. When we don't follow His plan He hurts. No, He doesn't need us, but He wants us. Do you guys see? He does not need us to fulfill His plan, to do His work, or anything like that. He chooses to use us simply because He loves us, because He wants us to be involved in His work with Him. He wants to fellowship with us. God wants us to believe Him for no other reason but that He cherishes us and our time with Him. He is invested in us. 

I know this is longer than normal and maybe more than what you guys wanted, but God laid it on my heart so I figured I should probably share it with you!!!

hope God uses His Word to touch your hearts like He did mine!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

valentines.... i know i know, it's early.... but such fun!

ok, so noah wants super cool valentines this year! yes, he is so my child! we started talking about it b/c he happened to sit in my lap while i was browsing on "pinterest"! Need I mention that i am in love with pinterest? here are a few of our options!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

struggles of life

Do you guys ever find yourselves struggling with who you are and who you know God wants you to be, with what you're doing and what you know He wants you to be doing? It is quite possible that I am the only one, but I truly doubt that! If you are struggling and dealing with those hard questions what are you doing to find the answers? Are you seeking Him? Are you deepening your walk or are you hiding? If God did not put you where you are why are you staying? If God did not tell you to do the job you are doing why are you doing it? 
(now don't get me wrong- I know that we all have to support our families? I am not suggesting you quit your job and live on the street!- I am just pointing out- that even our jobs can fall into His plan and His will)

Read this:

Proverbs 4:4-7
 4 he taught me and said, 
       "Lay hold of my words with all your heart; 
       keep my commands and you will live.
 5 Get wisdom, get understanding; 
       do not forget my words or swerve from them.
 6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; 
       love her, and she will watch over you.
 7 Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. 
       Though it cost all you have, [a] get understanding.

These verses just jump off the page at me. It is like they are screaming "do you see this, do you hear me, are you deaf?"  The Word puts it so clear; we are to "get wisdom" and "get understanding" no matter the cost. We are to find what God has for us by finding His wisdom for our life. We are to give it our all, we are to seek Him with our every breath, with every minute of time that He gives us, with every opportunity to go deeper!  
I can not help but wonder what will the cost be? What is going to happen when I find wisdom and learn what God has for me? You want to know the awesome part? When I keep reading more words scream at me. Sure it is going to be tough but verse 6 says “that when I love wisdom she will watch over me and even protect me”. God has a plan. He is not asking us to find Him, to walk deeper with Him all on our own. He is making it clear to me, to us, that He is going to walk with us. He is going on the journey with us, all He wants is for us to be willing to start the journey.

Are you? Are you willing to start the journey, to find wisdom, and in finding it- learn His plan for who you are and what you are to do?