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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jacob & Esau (part 1)

 So, I bet almost everyone as heard the story of Jacob and Esau, and most of you have probably read about their tangled and troubled relationship.
If you have time read over Genesis 25 through 33. In the start of 25 the sibling rivalry is just beginning, however by 27 it is at it's best. 

In chapter 27 Jacob steals Esau's birthright and Esau is distraught. After that the brothers basically separate and their animosity for one  another is part of their lives, but placed on the back burner for a time. Esau went about his life, marrying more women that would be and cause grief to his parents. Jacob went to Paddan Aram- the home of his mother's family to find a wife. For 20 years Jacob worked for Laban- father of Rachel and Leah. After 20 years of attempting to earn the man's daughters Jacob finally decided he'd had enough. The Lord instructed him to return to his father's people. So he was going home. i wonder if he realized right away this meant he would likely run into his brother. Do you think he was worried or scared.

What would you do to your brother? Would you harbor animosity for years and years, would you create a wild and outlandish plan to get even with him, or would you move on with your life and make the most of what you were dealt? 

You know God told Jacob's mom (Rebekah)  "two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from w/in you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."
Did you know that it was Rebekah's idea for Jacob to steal Esau's birthright? God had promised her. I mean the Lord spoke to her and told her Jacob would be stronger than Esau and also that Esau would serve his brother. She heard the Lord say this and she still plotted and planned to ensure that Jacob was the most powerful brother with his father's blessing. No, she was not deaf! I already checked! How could she do that? She heard from God and she still acted like a silly human. 

We as humans are so like Rebekah. We hear from God, the Bible tells us exactly how we are supposed to live each day, yet we still offer God our own human take on His rules, His expectations, and His plan for us. Why is that? Why can't we just trust the Father to work His plans His way? 

I think it is because if we just "trust" we are letting go. We are giving up the "white-knuckle" grip we have on our lives and letting someone else have the wheel. I think it is time to see what God might do with my life if I give Him control.

How bout you?

Monday, November 7, 2011

so, caleb was in a very playful mood at the park! he wanted me to take a picture every time he did something new! so i did i took a picture every time! he slid, i took a pic; he climbed- i took two! i am trying to savor every minute i have with him and mckinly before they are as old as sweet noah!! i do not want to miss anything and i am loving getting to play with them and watching them grow is such fun!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

scripture memory!

so, i have been praying for a challenge and it looks as though i have found one just perfect for me! i am going to attempt to memorize romans 8. it is a slow process but one that i need. God is trying to work and right now the only thing in the way is me! so here we go! i want so much more than what i have and the best way to grow is to stay in the word and dig! so here we go, i am digging as deep as possible! you wanna dig too?