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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas & Mary

So this is something I wrote two years ago. I came across it today and it hit home! Mary, is awesome! I loved her two years ago & I am even more in awe of her today! What an awesome example of being totally in love with God and trusting Him to direct your steps! Man, to be more like her! I hope you guys enjoy!

Christmas…….. What a wonderful season!!!!!

The hustle and bustle don't bother me! I love the magic, the twinkle in my boy's eyes when they see Christmas lights everywhere, but most of all I love the gift from my Savior. It's the same story every year, "Jesus was born of a virgin, in a manger" and this year just like every other year that story touches something deep inside me. But today something new is tugging on my heart. "MARY" was ordinary. She was a child of God, but nothing special. You know what I mean? To us she is special, she is the mother of our all-powerful Jesus. But before then, before she was the mother of the Messiah, she was just Mary. She was just a young girl who believed in God, she was no different than you and me. When Gabriel appeared to her she had no preparation. She had not spent her life getting ready for what was to come. She didn't receive any special training, she wasn't without fault or sin, she just believed. Mary was full of faith, even then. In what had to be a very overwhelming, frightening, and life-changing moment; she didn't falter. Mary's faith remained strong and she was willing. I can’t help but wonder if I would have been willing, would you?

What are we willing to give, to do for Him?

In Luke 1:28 Gabriel called Mary "highly favored one". It means that grace was bestowed on her or that she was full of grace. In Ephesians 1:6 the same word was used discussing all believers. We are all full of grace- highly favored in God's eyes. It could have been any of us. God could use one of us to do something huge just like He did with Mary. I want to be ready when He asks me to do something HUGE. I want Him to ask me to do something HUGE! 

Christmas is awesome! I love every minute of it- but this year I have found some new meaning in it all. Somehow it seems even more magical than ever. Hopefully you all can find new meaning in it, and if nothing else take a look at the story and remember what He did. What God did for us, what Jesus did for us, and how Mary handled the life-changing situation with grace and honor.

Friday, December 9, 2011

"my frustrated rant"

why is it that the world around us cares so much about everything but what truly matters? and honestly i don't mean what matters to me, or my family, i mean what matters to Christ? it is everywhere, the world i mean- no matter what you read or what you hear someone is promoting sin. and again, i dont mean what i consider to be sin. i mean what the Bible says point blank is sin. my heart breaks for those around me (especially those i know and love) who appear to be so lost in the world around them. please dont think for a second that i believe myself to be above reproach- because i so am not! But i do try to at least live by the "word" and follow the commands laid out for me. our culture today is so concerned with "our rights" as humans, "our choices" as women, "our partners" as individuals in love that we just ignore the Bible and in that; Christ himself. yes, i know i am venting!! but, the benefit of this being my blog is that i can randomly do that! if you stuck with me through all of this frustrated ranting please take time right now and in your daily life to remember our live is pointless and void of any meaning without Christ.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"december, so far"

so, it's been a crazy month already and it is only the 7th! i absolutely love december! could it be that both boys birthday's are this month & it is christmas? we had a great thanksgiving @ home and then all of a sudden it was december! today is noah's 6th birthday! he took snack to school, got to pick dinner, and we went to a movie! needless to say, he has been king for the day!! so tomorrow is a normal day and then friday we get to do all the birthday stuff again for my sweet butter bear! hope to see all of you saturday for the transformer party of the year!!
our first christmas movie nite this year!

our elf charlie delivered balloons for noah this morning!

charlie is again causing trouble!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Jacob & Esau (part 1)

 So, I bet almost everyone as heard the story of Jacob and Esau, and most of you have probably read about their tangled and troubled relationship.
If you have time read over Genesis 25 through 33. In the start of 25 the sibling rivalry is just beginning, however by 27 it is at it's best. 

In chapter 27 Jacob steals Esau's birthright and Esau is distraught. After that the brothers basically separate and their animosity for one  another is part of their lives, but placed on the back burner for a time. Esau went about his life, marrying more women that would be and cause grief to his parents. Jacob went to Paddan Aram- the home of his mother's family to find a wife. For 20 years Jacob worked for Laban- father of Rachel and Leah. After 20 years of attempting to earn the man's daughters Jacob finally decided he'd had enough. The Lord instructed him to return to his father's people. So he was going home. i wonder if he realized right away this meant he would likely run into his brother. Do you think he was worried or scared.

What would you do to your brother? Would you harbor animosity for years and years, would you create a wild and outlandish plan to get even with him, or would you move on with your life and make the most of what you were dealt? 

You know God told Jacob's mom (Rebekah)  "two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from w/in you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."
Did you know that it was Rebekah's idea for Jacob to steal Esau's birthright? God had promised her. I mean the Lord spoke to her and told her Jacob would be stronger than Esau and also that Esau would serve his brother. She heard the Lord say this and she still plotted and planned to ensure that Jacob was the most powerful brother with his father's blessing. No, she was not deaf! I already checked! How could she do that? She heard from God and she still acted like a silly human. 

We as humans are so like Rebekah. We hear from God, the Bible tells us exactly how we are supposed to live each day, yet we still offer God our own human take on His rules, His expectations, and His plan for us. Why is that? Why can't we just trust the Father to work His plans His way? 

I think it is because if we just "trust" we are letting go. We are giving up the "white-knuckle" grip we have on our lives and letting someone else have the wheel. I think it is time to see what God might do with my life if I give Him control.

How bout you?

Monday, November 7, 2011

so, caleb was in a very playful mood at the park! he wanted me to take a picture every time he did something new! so i did i took a picture every time! he slid, i took a pic; he climbed- i took two! i am trying to savor every minute i have with him and mckinly before they are as old as sweet noah!! i do not want to miss anything and i am loving getting to play with them and watching them grow is such fun!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

scripture memory!

so, i have been praying for a challenge and it looks as though i have found one just perfect for me! i am going to attempt to memorize romans 8. it is a slow process but one that i need. God is trying to work and right now the only thing in the way is me! so here we go! i want so much more than what i have and the best way to grow is to stay in the word and dig! so here we go, i am digging as deep as possible! you wanna dig too?

Monday, October 31, 2011

trick or treat

pics from the haunted forest

noah and the wolf                        

         no, i didnt explain to the boys what this was,
            but the students got a kick out of the decor!
                                                                sweet love

Monday, October 24, 2011

who is your hero?

So, this is kind of a long post, but it is something from a while back. It made me think: hope it leaves you guys thinking this morning! Who is your hero? Who do you let influence you and your decisions? Who are you letting influence your kids? Just remember, the people and things that you let inside your heart and mind daily have the ability to change how you think and act! Make sure it is God and God alone who is able to achieve "hero status" in your world.

 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 

Revelation 4:2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.

How many of you have a hero? Someone you really look up to? How many of you have ever been lucky enough to meet that hero? Did they invite you into their home? Did they make you feel like you were their closest friend? Were they willing to share all of their riches with you? Seriously I bet the answers to most of those questions are no. Maybe, sure- you got lucky; maybe you did meet your hero and maybe they acknowledged your existence, but that was probably all. I would be willing to bet there was not heart to heart share time about your dreams. I bet there was no invitation to dine with them, and I am certain they did not offer to share their enormous riches with you. But you want to know something really awesome, something that could and should blow your mind each and every time you think of of it? God did and God does.

God sacrificed his most valued treasure, Jesus, in order for you and me to live. God invites you into His home each and every day and He has offered to share all of His riches with you. The ball is in your court, all you have to do his acknowledge that He is worthy of being called your “hero”. Huh, “God my hero”. I know it is hard to put Him in the same shoes as Tim Tebow, or Michael Jordan, or ARod, but lets think about it. He created time and space, land and sea, you and me.  In my mind He is the only true hero and get this, not only did He do all of that. He loves you. He doesn’t just meet someone and play nice for a few short moments to better his image, he isn’t being loving just to get a better deal. He honestly without fault or reservation loves you and me. How do I Know that? How can I be sure? Well, fist because He sent his son to ensure we could be more than casual acquaintances. He sent Jesus so that we could have a love relationship, a deep meaningful heart-felt relationship. I know sometimes it is easy to picture him as a big and powerful King far away and out of our reach. But go back and read those verses again. Yes, He is mighty and powerful. Yes, He does control the wind and the seas. But even in all of that, even in all of His splendor He invites us to join with Him. He wants to be relational with us, not only that He wants to share all of His treasures with us. Again, how do I know? Well, read the description of God’s throne in heaven, be amazed at His majesty and His glory. And when you are finished with that read Hebrews 4:16 again. Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence… What? We are to approach all of that? Our God not only loves us, He wants to be with us. He wants us to know him on a deep and personal level.

Think on that and decide fresh what to do with that knowledge!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Is it because I can or because I have to?

I just read something in Bible Study and I thought I would share it, with who you ask? Well, you, for starters and anyone else that might need it today! I am slowly doing Tammie Head's study, "Duty or Delight". It is great! I have never thought about some of the things that she mentions, but it is nice to remember that I am not the first and definitely won't be the last Christian to act out of guilt and not conviction. The coolest part though, the part that brings me to tears and makes me want to write as fast as my fingers can move is this: I don't have to be perfect for God, Jesus has already achieved that necessary perfection for me. All I have to do is trust and walk. The guilt that I feel at times when my walk is lacking is not from God. It is satan trying to cause a massive stumble, because when I feel guilty I began to act out of a sense of duty and not because I am madly, desperately in love with my Jesus. I don't often think about the difference between guilt and conviction, but today because of this study I find myself bouncing several thoughts around in my head. When I feel guilty about my behavior or things I am not doing I will usually attempt to correct the behavior myself or do whatever it is I am feeling guilty for not doing. It is usually to no avail, because guilt is not a proper motivator. It simply makes me feel farther away from everything. However, when the Holy Spirit convicts, that feeling is different. It makes me feel wanted. Sure, it may bother me because at times I/we choose consciously to make bad/wrong decisions, but the alternative is not something I ever want to experience. I would rather be convicted by the Spirit everyday than ever be separated from my "dad". Several things I read today made total sense, but the one idea that so far makes the most sense and seems to be causing my heart to dance is this; when I act out of a feeling of duty or obligation I am missing out on the best part- the love relationship between He and I. Guilt leads to shame but for me conviction leads to repentance and an even deeper walk with He who daily saves me. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Diapers and Juice Cups

Do you ever struggle with who you want to be? Not just the kind of wife, mother, or friend you want to be, but deeper?  Deeper in your heart of hearts; do you ever truly battle with who you are and who you know desperately that you should be? Maybe it’s just me, maybe it is a personal battle that no one else faces, but something tells me that’s not true, (that if all Christians were honest with each other and themselves) that this is a battle we all face, that we all struggle and muddle through. For me it seems that the older I get the more I feel worn down by the battle. I thought the hard part was growing up, staying strong through high school, through boyfriends, peer pressure, and then College, but to be honest that was a breeze. Then I wanted nothing more than to be weird, to stand out, to be different, to be so in love with Jesus that my every move was an example of Him and his heart. But now as an adult; a mom and wife it seems that those wants get lost somewhere between the first diaper in the morning and the 50th juice cup before bedtime. It seems that life keeps getting in my way. When there are trials it is easy to depend on and run to Jesus but when life is just moving alone at mock nine it seems almost impossible to get it right. The more I try to fix this the harder it gets. The more I try to focus on the goal the more my mind wanders. The deeper the longing is in my heart the louder the screams of the world become. The more my heart aches for Him the more I struggle through the battle, stumbling along the way. It is then in those struggles, when that powerful right hand of my Savior is lifting me up that I realize I am not alone. I cannot do this on my own. I am only me, one person. There are too many juice cups and diapers in the air for me to do this without help from Jesus himself. For me, letting go is often hard. Jesus often speaks to me through lightning bolts, so day-to-day can sometimes be overwhelming. I have no problem following in the hard times and trusting His plan, but when the hard stuff is over and the running turns to walking I often stumble. I forget to take time and thank Him for the normal day-to-day things. Walking with Jesus is a lifestyle and it requires daily participation. If I only take part in the hard times I will miss the good stuff, the love and companionship that can only grow and deepen through daily interaction. That is my goal, to go deeper. Today I am drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Today I am laying it all down and realizing that I am not alone, I am not strong, and without Him it doesn’t matter if I am walking or running, because without Him there is no reason to do either. Today I am acknowledging Psalms 63:8, “I hold on to you, and your powerful right hand takes care of me.” I want that more than ever, to let it all go and to just follow.

I hope maybe for someone this hits home. That my honesty and willingness to share my heart will remind you how blessed we are to walk and run with Jesus, how lucky we are to have a Savior who was willing to sacrifice everything for us. I hope you will take the challenge and decide to give Him your all, your everything, the desires of your heart, and the cries from your soul. Let Him have all of you, just sit back and watch, wait and see what awesome things He can do with all of us! 

Monday, October 17, 2011


so, today was my first parent/teacher conference! my sweet noah is such a big boy! we couldn't be more proud of him! he loves school, loves to learn, & loves ms. davis! he is doing so well! i love the fact that he loves to learn and that he is ahead of the game! he knows all that he should and quite a bit that he doesn't even have to know yet! one more reason to thank God! even the smallest blessings show his love and care for us! we are blessed beyond measure! 

also today me and my butter-man carved our first pumpkin of the season! he had such fun being a big boy and helping mommy all on his own! our pumpkin says "boo"! he wants to put it in his room as a nite-lite! he is such a mess but it is so cool how fast he is growing. he is the man of the house during the day and his quite impressed with his new role!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

too bad it's over..

what a great weekend! we made tons of memories! we started it off with the homecoming parade and ended with a victory in auburn!! i can't wait to do it all again next weekend! i love making memories and sharing life with my family! the little lett's had a blast riding in the parade. candy flew like missiles off the back of the truck!! they even apologized to the 200 kids they were unable to throw candy to!! yes, we ran out!! (mental note: next year don't let them throw handfuls at the start of the parade) all in all, i wish there were more hours in this weekend! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

being a mom is scary...

usually at some point each day i find myself in awe of something one of my sweet babies has done or said. sometimes it is because i think i might just strangle one of them because the heathen in them is just shining through, and then other times my face hurts because i have smiled all day. i usually try not to think about the weight and responsibility being a parent entails because to be honest it is completely overwhelming. i mean really, do you think about what God expects from us as parent's? hello, He gave his son; willingly (for us). the bar ,my friend,  is set so high i know it is unattainable but it sure does make me wanna be the best mom for my kids. i said all of that to say this- i love being a mom, but i am daily scared to death. you know nine weeks ago the only influences in my children's lives were me, darrin, and family- (and those close friends we chose to let interact with our kids), but then Noah started school and that all changed. it is so obvious that even in kindergarten kids are not all raised like ours. even now as i sit here i realize we have so much to be thankful for and so many mountains still to climb. i love my sweet boy and i love that even now at 5 (and a half- he is quick to remind me) he has a hunger for God's word. we have been learning a new verse each night, though sometimes i forget or can't get Caleb and Mc to sit still long enough for us to learn a verse, and even on those nights Noah asks for his verse. he wants to learn more scripture. i am in awe and scared to death all at the same time. what a responsibility. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall is definitely Here!!

So, i dont know about you guys, but it is definitely cooler here! This morning my poor toes were like ice! I had to turn on the heat in the car to warm my poor sock deprived feet!! I have given the blog a fall/halloween face lift! What to you all think?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

buTtER & nOaH @ the carShOw

bUtTer @ bUmBlebEe

nOaH & the CoOl cAr

This weekend "d" had a car show at the high school! I took the kids and they were able to see really cool cars! Both boys were amazed and as you can see were adamant they have pictures made with their favorite cars!! It was way more fun than what I anticipated! 

Noah's oPen HOusE

On Thursday Noah had his first Open HOuse @ school! He was so very excited! We were able to see his classroom, all his artwork, & he very proudly showed us his  seat @ Table 2! He had created several masterpieces for us to see and he even showed off his technical skills as he moved his name on the smart board! We had a blast and so did he!
jake and ryry are watching football while sweet mc loves all over her baby "waywee"

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Noah's Special Day

Today was "grandparent's day" @ Noah's school! Meme and Pops surprised him and came to town! He had two of his most favorite people come eat lunch and visit the book fair with him! He was so surprised! Made me realize how lucky we are; I truly have the most loving caring parents a person could ever ask for and my sweet kids will never question how much they are loved! Seeing Noah's smiling face walking out of the cafeteria today with Meme and Pops in hand made my day! What a happy boy he is! Thank you Jesus for that sweet boy and loving parents who were willing to take off work and drive two hours for a twenty minutes lunch!!! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

my "not-so baby" baby mc

So, after reading yesterday and reliving the feelings I had the first time I wrote the "one more thing" about "gratitude" we went on a family walk! It is amazing to me that I am ever able to forget just how lucky I am and how God has shown Himself faithful to me! What are you guys grateful for? 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gratitude (x2)

I cant help but wander if those words are true. Do they represent me, my faith, my heart? Do I trust my God that much? Does my love for Him go so deep w/in my soul that no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) in my life it will still be solid and growing? How about you? Is your faith that solid? 

I find myself thinking about a verse in Hebrews (12:28-29- 28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29for our "God is a consuming fire.") 

Our GOd has given us His unconditional love and a kingdom that can never be defeated, can never be destroyed. He is indestructable!!  I can't help but wonder though, is my love for Him that strong. Do I, on a daily basis, give Him the control necessary to forge that bond within my own heart. If we understand the verse and apply it to our lives we can see that God in us is unchanging. He is always there walking with us. I want to get to that point- where my faith is like His kingdom- "unshakable".

In the song there are struggles; pleas for rain, for food, and for peace. God's power to grant those prayers is in the forefront of the song, but also there- just as plain and spelled out, is His power not to answer those pleas for help. As a Christian I often forget that God is not required to keep me happy and healthy. His goodness is not based on His speedy answering all of my prayers, no matter how heart felt they are. Sometimes I forget that I am full of sin and there are consequences for my actions and my choices- even the small, seemingly insignificant ones. Often it seems, I want God right in the middle of all the "Stuff" in my life, but at the time I was making the decisions that caused the "STUFF" I had pushed Him to a small corner of my heart and turned the light off! 

What about you? Do you make the choices, the decisions, and then get frustrated when God is not right there to fix your mess for you? Do you push Him away and then expect Him to simply "know" when you might want Him to get involved? What about the tough stuff? Do you struggle with the "or maybe not" moments? The moments when God doesn't answer a particular prayer? Is He still your rock in those times? Let me encourage you to let Him be your rock always! When life is perfect praise Him for it, enjoy it with Him, but when life throws you curve balls and you can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel let Him be your God and your source then too. Just trust. Open your whole heart to Him and He will do the rest.

 One more thing before i go, if your mad- tell Him, if your sad- tell Him, if you don't understand why- ask Him- and then remember this- "but maybe not, not today- maybe He'llprovide in other ways"! 

He is always there- you just have to let Him be.


One of my most favorite artists is Nichole Nordeman. She is deep, her songs, usually tell a story. But if you aren't listening then you can get lost in the words and not get the meaning. One of my favorite songs is "Gratitude". I am going to post the lyrics b/c I think you will all understand what I mean better if you get a chance to read them for yourselves. So, read the lyrics and then there is a"long-winded" post to follow!!

love you all!

Send some rain, would You send some rain?
'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again
And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?
Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down
Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid
But maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case . . .

We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for You
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If You never send us rain
Daily bread, give us daily bread
Bless our bodies, keep our children fed
Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
Wrap us up and warm us through
Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time
Or maybe not, not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case . . .

We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude 
A lesson learned to hunger after You
That a starry sky offers a better view if no roof is overhead And if we never taste that bread
Oh, the differences that often are between
What we want and what we really need
So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not, not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case . . .

We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace
But Jesus, would You please . . .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

dont you just love this little guy? he is sooo stinkin cute & yes, he knows it!
Mc in her big girl bed!

from baby to big girl in less than 10!

after much denial, tons of doubts, and even more, "but i don't want to's" i have finally converted sweet baby mc's baby bed! she is now a big girl in her very own toddler bed! there are no more baby beds in this Lett house! what am i going to do? she is right now "jump jumping" on her bed! she and butter are having a play date with her babies, his ducky, and every other toy they could find all piled on her new and improved bed!! i will post pictures soon! right now i choose to live in denial!

Monday, September 26, 2011

this was the little surprise in our driveway this morning! i had to use a stick to get rid of it!! i know it's a really small snake, but still i would prefer not having to battle reptiles in my driveway before school! reptile expert noah told me not to worry he would protect me and that "blue back" (the name he gave the snake) could regrow the tail and tummy i took off with the stick!! gotta love school mornings!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

so proud i could cry!

tonight i did homework with my sweet noah. as we were going over his list of sight words he began sounding them out and then he read each and every one to me. he didnt need me to help him. he did it all on his own and then he wrote the words all himself. i have never been more proud of my firstborn! he loved it; every stinkin minute of being a big boy! he is a learner, he loves to know things, to learn things! i can not thank my God enough for this precious little man!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

trick or treat

so, tryin to come up with cute & fun ideas for nono's school halloween party!!! anybody know anything mind boggling? 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sorry Kiddos! No Yummy Hot Fudge Cake for you!!!

So, lets just say chicken spaghetti was a disaster! I loved it, but not one mini-lett even attempted to like it! Noah managed to eat three bites of the same noodle! Caleb held one bite in his mouth for the duration of dinner and Mckinly somehow ate the same piece of bread for ten minutes! I am pretty sure even Darrin was not thrilled with his dinner choice! So, after a few minutes hiding in the bedroom I decided desert was a necessity! So take a peek at what Darrin and I had for desert! No, we did not cave! Yes, we are mean! Sorry, kiddos no desert for you!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

supper, uprisings, and coup's, aren't these all one & the same?

So, the little lett's are sooo finicky; that dinner is usually a battle and to be honest darrin & I are usually the one's who lose. I mentioned this to mom this morning and she laughed; apparently I am (I mean "was"- hehe) picky too! And no, comments are not needed from the peanut gallery! So, if anyone has any kid friendly recipes please feel free to share them! Tonight we are trying chicken spaghetti! Here goes nothing!!!

One More Thing: Moses

You know in the beginning of Moses’s journey with God He was afraid, nervous, and probably we could even say scared silly. He knew that in himself he could not perform the tasks God was asking him to do and he knew that letting God down was not something he wanted on his “resume’”. So he whined, isn’t that what any good god-fearing servant does before beginning something hard and challenging? I mean think about it… don’t we whine when God throws us a curve ball? Don’t we fuss when all of a sudden the path changes and our desires take a back seat to god’s plan? But you know God didn’t change His mind, didn’t waver in the plan he had for Moses, but he did provide Moses with a helper, with a partner along the journey. God used Aaron to show Moses that His ways are perfect and when he says, “do this” we should never doubt that God knew how we would achieve and that more importantly he would give us the tools we needed to succeed.

So how do you think Moses felt as the Israelites were fleeing Pharaoh? Do you think he thought “oh yeah, I’m somebody and I’ve done something now”, or do you think even then after seeing all that God had done, all that God had used him to do he was still afraid, still nervous, and probably still scared silly?  I think he was still scared silly, but you know the cool part? You know what makes me want to be like Moses? He never quit walking! He never gave up and even when He and the people were stuck wandering in the wilderness year after year, he persevered. Sure he had moments of doubt, of anger, and you know I bet there were times He was certain he had a better plan to get the people to where they needed to be than God’s. And yes, there were a few times He did “let God down”, there were moments when his flesh took over, when his ambition got in the way, and his human emotions ran rampant. But he was man enough (child of God enough) to admit those faults, to take responsibility for those sins, and still cling to God’s promise of a new home for the Israelites a new life for his children. Moses was a man but more than that, Moses was God’s man. Yes, he had flesh; yes, he made mistakes, but you know what: His walk with God grew year after year, deepened day after day and in the darkest moments in the wilderness, when eating more manna made Moses want to cry; He still walked, He still trusted, and He still followed God. 
So, this is our new kitchen! Our old kitchen was so cramped- (not really)-- but I used it as an excuse not to cook!!  Believe it or not I have cooked almost every night for the past three weeks!! Anybody got any recipes? I am getting tired of spaghetti and chicken!!!

Our New Adventure

So, after many months I have decided to give this blogging thing a try! Darrin keeps urging me to do it, to write more, and to share my heart with all of you! I guess since we have moved and I have yet to find much to do other than work in our house and explore Target, this is a good a time as any to get started! I hope you guys enjoy sharing our adventures with us! Believe me, I know we are nothing special and our adventures are no better, funnier, or more ridiculous than yours! Enjoy!! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Noah

So. tonight Noah broke a project I have been working on... I got onto him and sent him to his room. I was rather frustrated and he knew it. He asked his daddy why I was so upset and after dad explained it to him he came to me with those beautiful huge brown eyes and apologized. My heart melted, because I just knew he meant every word of his super rehearsed apology. After a great big hug and several kisses. He reported to his daddy that his plan worked and we were best buds again!!! Man i love my life!